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Zoom AI Companion


Zoom AI Companion – Create, embed, and share personalized AI chat apps without coding using Dialogly. Seamlessly integrate and share GPT-enabled chat apps, fetch real-time data from external HTTP endpoints, customize app behavior with custom rules, automate tasks with Zapier, and extract textual data from URLs. Pricing plans available.


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Introducing Zoom AI Companion: The Ultimate Productivity Tool

Zoom AI Companion is an innovative tool that can help you increase productivity, improve team effectiveness, and enhance your skills. With its unique federated approach to AI, this tool can deliver high-quality results when drafting emails, summarizing meetings, brainstorming creatively, and much more – all within the familiar, user-friendly Zoom experience.

Features and Benefits

Zoom AI Companion comes with a plethora of features designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your communication:

  • Meeting Recording Highlights: consume meeting recordings faster through highlights, smart chapters, summaries, and next steps.
  • Meeting Summary and Next Steps: generate a meeting summary and next steps and share them via email and Team Chat.
  • Real-time Meeting Assistance: ask Zoom AI Companion a question about a meeting in progress to quickly catch up and get clarity on what you missed without interrupting.
  • Presentation Feedback: get feedback on your presentation skills and engagement with meeting participants.
  • Chat Messaging: draft chat messages based on conversational context and customize the message’s tone.
  • Chat Thread Summaries: generate a brief summary of long chat threads.
  • Whiteboard Features: generate ideas for your whiteboard as stickies, tables, or mind maps, and refine and categorize existing whiteboard content.
  • Email Assistance: write emails faster with suggested content based on the email conversation context, and generate emails in Zoom Events for registration, marketing, and ticketing.
  • Event Communication: communicate with event attendees in Zoom Events with chat compose.

With these features, Zoom AI Companion can help you work more efficiently, communicate more effectively, and achieve your goals faster and with less stress.

Real Use Cases

Zoom AI Companion can be extremely helpful in various real-life situations:

  • Business Meetings: Zoom AI Companion can help you summarize meetings, generate next steps, and provide real-time assistance during the meeting.
  • Team Collaboration: With its chat messaging and whiteboard features, Zoom AI Companion can help you brainstorm, organize your ideas, and collaborate with your team more effectively.
  • Event Management: From registration to communication, Zoom AI Companion can help you manage your Zoom Events with ease and efficiency.

Overall, Zoom AI Companion is a versatile and powerful tool that can help you streamline your workflow, improve communication, and enhance productivity.


Zoom AI Companion Pricing

Zoom AI Companion Plan

Zoom AI Companion – Create, embed, and share personalized AI chat apps without coding using Dialogly. Seamlessly integrate and share GPT-enabled chat apps, fetch real-time data from external HTTP endpoints, customize app behavior with custom rules, automate tasks with Zapier, and extract textual data from URLs. Pricing plans available.


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