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Exclusive platform providing access to coveted restaurant reservations in major cities.


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Dorsia’s Acquisition of Tripnotes & Welcome Brings Unparalleled Access to Exclusive Restaurant Reservations

Dorsia, the members-only platform, has recently acquired Tripnotes & Welcome, providing users with unprecedented access to highly sought-after restaurant reservations in major cities such as New York, London, Miami, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. This acquisition has made it easier than ever before for food enthusiasts to secure reservations at some of the world’s most exclusive dining destinations.

With the help of its AI-powered tool,, Dorsia can provide users with personalized recommendations based on their dining preferences, budget, and location. This innovative technology analyzes user data to offer customized suggestions that are tailored to their specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic dinner for two, a fun night out with friends, or a unique culinary experience, can help you find the perfect restaurant. With access to some of the most exclusive dining destinations in the world, Dorsia’s acquisition of Tripnotes & Welcome has revolutionized the way food enthusiasts discover and book reservations.

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Exclusive platform providing access to coveted restaurant reservations in major cities.

Life time Free for all over the world



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