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What is ModernQuery?

ModernQuery is an innovative tool designed to enhance the search functionality of your website by integrating the conversational prowess of ChatGPT. With ModernQuery, you can easily provide your users with a more engaging and efficient search experience without the need to write any code. This plug-and-play enhancement works seamlessly with your existing website setup, making it straightforward to implement. By leveraging Generative AI, ModernQuery takes your website’s search capabilities to the next level, offering precise and conversational answers that keep users engaged and help them find the information they need faster.

ModernQuery’s Key Features & Benefits

  • Generative AI Search: Integrate ChatGPT’s conversational search into your website for more relevant search results.
  • No-Code Solution: Easy to add to your website without any coding required.
  • Plug-and-Play: Works with your current website setup, offering a hassle-free enhancement.
  • Better WordPress Search: Especially designed to improve the search experience on WordPress sites.
  • Manual Control: Adjust search results manually with a simple point-and-click interface.
  • Autocomplete Feature: Accelerates searches by providing instant results as users type.

The benefits of using ModernQuery include enhanced user engagement, improved search accuracy, and a more intuitive search experience that requires no technical expertise to implement.

ModernQuery’s Use Cases and Applications

ModernQuery has a wide range of applications across various industries:

  • E-commerce: Enhance your e-commerce website with ModernQuery’s ChatGPT Search to provide customers with a conversational search experience, increasing user engagement and improving product discoverability.
  • Education: Implement ChatGPT Search on your educational platform to enable students to find information more intuitively and quickly, boosting learning efficiency and enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Corporate Websites: Empower your company website with ChatGPT Search to allow visitors to easily navigate through vast amounts of content, providing instant and personalized search results for increased user satisfaction and improved retention rates.

How to Use ModernQuery

Getting started with ModernQuery is simple:

  1. Request a Demo or Sign Up: Visit the ModernQuery website to request a demo or sign up for a free trial.
  2. Install the Plugin: For WordPress or Drupal, download and install the respective plugin. For other websites, embed a simple JavaScript code.
  3. Configure Settings: Use the user-friendly interface to configure search settings and manually adjust search results as needed.
  4. Activate and Test: Activate the search functionality on your website and test it to ensure everything works as expected.

Best practices include regularly updating search parameters and reviewing user feedback to continually improve the search experience.

How ModernQuery Works

ModernQuery leverages the power of Generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, to provide a conversational search experience. The underlying technology uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand user queries and generate relevant responses. The workflow involves:

  1. Query Input: Users enter a search query into the search bar on your website.
  2. AI Processing: The query is processed by ChatGPT, which interprets the intent and context.
  3. Response Generation: ChatGPT generates a conversational response that is relevant to the query.
  4. Result Display: The response is displayed to the user in an intuitive format, often with suggested follow-up questions or actions.

ModernQuery Pros and Cons

Advantages of using ModernQuery include:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides a more engaging and intuitive search experience.
  • Easy Implementation: No coding required, making it accessible for non-technical users.
  • Customizable: Manually adjust search results to better meet user needs.

Potential drawbacks or limitations:

  • Dependency on AI: May rely heavily on the accuracy of AI-generated responses.
  • Cost: Subscription plans may be a consideration for smaller websites or businesses.

User feedback generally highlights the ease of use and improved search functionality, though some users note the importance of periodically reviewing AI-generated content for accuracy.

ModernQuery Pricing

ModernQuery offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs:

  • Free Trial: Try the tool for free before committing to a paid plan.
  • Starter Plan: $19 per month
  • Business Plan: $29 per month
  • Scale Plan: $49 per month

These plans offer different levels of features and support, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your requirements. Always verify the latest pricing on the ModernQuery website.

Conclusion about ModernQuery

In summary, ModernQuery is a powerful tool that enhances website search functionality with the conversational capabilities of ChatGPT. Its no-code, plug-and-play nature makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from website owners to developers. With key features like manual control, autocomplete, and seamless integration, it offers significant benefits in terms of user engagement and search efficiency. While there are some considerations regarding cost and AI dependency, the overall value provided by ModernQuery makes it a compelling choice for improving your website’s search functionality. Future updates are likely to further enhance its capabilities and user experience.

ModernQuery FAQs

What is ModernQuery?
ModernQuery is a tool that enables website owners to add ChatGPT’s conversational search capabilities to their website search function.
Do I need to code to use ModernQuery?
No, you don’t need any coding knowledge to enhance your website’s search. It’s designed as a plug-and-play solution.
Can ModernQuery be used with any content management system?
Yes, ModernQuery offers plugins for WordPress and Drupal, or you can integrate it into any site with a simple JavaScript embed.
How can I try ModernQuery?
You can request a demo or sign up for a free trial to test ModernQuery on your website.
Can I control the search results manually in ModernQuery?
Yes, you can manually adjust the search results on your site using ModernQuery’s point-and-click interface.


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