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RubberDuck – This is an open source VS Code extension that offers chat, code generation, editing, explanation, test generation, bug finding, and error diagnosis features using AI.


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RubberDuck: An Open Source VS Code Extension for AI-powered Programming

RubberDuck is a powerful open source VS Code extension that provides a wide range of features to help developers write better code with the help of AI technology. This extension not only allows you to chat with the AI, but also enables you to generate code, edit code, get explanations, generate tests, find bugs and diagnose errors. With RubberDuck, you can streamline your coding experience and improve your productivity.

Chat with AI

RubberDuck allows you to chat with the AI to get instant help with your coding problems. Whether you are stuck on a particular problem or need help with a specific feature, RubberDuck can provide you with the guidance you need to get your code up and running.

Generate Code

RubberDuck can help you generate code automatically, based on your requirements. This feature can be especially useful for repetitive tasks or when you need to create a large amount of code quickly.

Edit Code

With RubberDuck, you can quickly edit your code and make changes on the fly. This feature allows you to save time and increase your productivity by eliminating the need to switch between different windows or tools.

Get Explanations

RubberDuck can provide explanations for complex programming concepts or functions. This feature can be especially useful for new developers who are still learning the ropes.

Generate Tests

RubberDuck can help you generate tests automatically, based on your code. This feature can save you a lot of time and effort, while also ensuring that your code is tested thoroughly.

Find Bugs and Diagnose Errors

RubberDuck can help you find bugs in your code and diagnose errors quickly and accurately. This feature can save you a lot of time and effort, while also ensuring that your code is free of errors and bugs.

Overall, RubberDuck is a powerful tool that can help developers of all levels improve their coding experience and streamline their workflows. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, RubberDuck can help you write better code and achieve your goals more efficiently.


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RubberDuck – This is an open source VS Code extension that offers chat, code generation, editing, explanation, test generation, bug finding, and error diagnosis features using AI.


Life time Free for all over the world



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