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Rivit – Rivit is an AI tool that simplifies building, testing, and deploying custom AI copilots. It enables users to swiftly create responses, share copilots, analyze performance, and improve customer experiences as well as internal processes.


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Rivit: An AI Tool for Efficient AI Product Development

Rivit is an AI tool that streamlines the process of building, testing, and deploying AI products. This tool allows users to create custom copilot products in a matter of minutes by seamlessly connecting various data sources, such as PDFs, websites, and Notion. With rivit, you can fine-tune copilot responses, personalize them using a fine-tuning editor, and share your copilot with just one click, making it easy to embed it on your website.

Automated Customer Support and Improved Internal Search Capabilities

Rivit automates customer support, which can significantly improve the customer experience. By leveraging out-of-the-box analytics features, rivit allows you to optimize your customer support experience. Additionally, rivit can improve internal search capabilities, making it easier to find the information you need to serve your customers more efficiently. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, rivit can help you streamline your customer support and internal operations.

Enhanced Precision and Results

Rivit ensures precision results, which can help you make more informed decisions. This tool allows you to fine-tune your copilot responses to better match your customers’ needs, resulting in more accurate and relevant search results. With rivit, you can also personalize your copilot, making it more engaging and effective for your customers.

Overall, rivit is a valuable AI tool that can help you enhance your customer service and internal operations. Whether you’re looking to automate your customer support, improve your internal search capabilities, or ensure precision results, rivit has you covered.


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Rivit – Rivit is an AI tool that simplifies building, testing, and deploying custom AI copilots. It enables users to swiftly create responses, share copilots, analyze performance, and improve customer experiences as well as internal processes.


Life time Free for all over the world



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