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RecoFeed – RecoFeed is an AI-powered tool that creates personalized recommendation feeds for articles, products, and videos based on individual interests. It functions locally, providing real-time suggestions without server data transfer; currently offering free basic services during beta testing.


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RecoFeed: An AI Tool for Personalized Recommendation Feeds

RecoFeed is an AI-powered tool that generates personalized recommendation feeds for its users. It compiles a curated list of items based on individual interests, including articles, products, and videos. The tool uses CloseVector, a cross-platform vector database, to operate locally on the user’s device and generate real-time recommendations without sending data back to a server.

RecoFeed offers basic services free of charge, making it an excellent option for building recommendation feeds. It is currently in a closed beta phase, but interested users can sign up and visit the documentation to learn more about RecoFeed.

How RecoFeed Helps Users

RecoFeed is a powerful tool that helps users discover new content and products that match their interests. By using AI to generate personalized recommendation feeds, users can save time and effort in finding items that they may be interested in. This can be especially useful for businesses looking to promote their products to a targeted audience, as RecoFeed can help increase engagement and sales.

In addition, RecoFeed’s use of CloseVector ensures that user data remains private and secure. This is a crucial feature in today’s world, where data breaches and privacy concerns are common.

Overall, RecoFeed is an innovative AI tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we discover and consume content and products online. As it continues to develop and improve, it will undoubtedly become an essential tool for individuals and businesses alike.


RecoFeed Pricing

RecoFeed Plan

RecoFeed – RecoFeed is an AI-powered tool that creates personalized recommendation feeds for articles, products, and videos based on individual interests. It functions locally, providing real-time suggestions without server data transfer; currently offering free basic services during beta testing.


Life time Free for all over the world



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