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Pump – Pump is an AI-powered tool that automates AWS cost savings by leveraging group buying and advanced forecasting. It aligns finance and engineering teams to optimize cloud costs effortlessly, helping startups reduce AWS bills significantly.


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Introducing Pump: The AI-Powered Cost Optimizer for AWS Bills

Pump is an innovative tool that can help startups save up to 60% on their AWS bills. Dubbed as the “Costco of the cloud” by Forbes, Pump offers a unique autopilot feature that utilizes AI technology to make your AWS savings 100 times smarter. This tool is specifically designed for startups that want to save like big tech companies without investing extensive engineering efforts.

How Does Pump Work?

Pump leverages group buying and AI to automate savings and optimize cloud costs for startups. The tool makes it easy for finance and engineering teams to align and optimize cloud costs without taking on additional financial risks. By forecasting and optimizing cloud costs, Pump can help startup founders save significantly on their AWS bills.

The Benefits of Using Pump

Using Pump can help startups reduce their AWS bills and save money that can be invested in growth and innovation. The autopilot feature of Pump makes it easy for businesses to optimize their cloud costs without the need for extensive engineering efforts. With Pump, startups can enjoy the same level of savings as big tech companies and streamline their cloud cost optimization process.

Overall, Pump is an excellent tool for startups looking to optimize their cloud costs and save money. With its AI-powered autopilot feature, Pump can help businesses forecast and optimize their AWS bills, making it a no-brainer for startups that want to save money and invest in growth.


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Pump – Pump is an AI-powered tool that automates AWS cost savings by leveraging group buying and advanced forecasting. It aligns finance and engineering teams to optimize cloud costs effortlessly, helping startups reduce AWS bills significantly.


Life time Free for all over the world



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