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PR Boost by Press Hunt


Connects startups with journalists/influencers for impactful, AI-enhanced PR exposure.


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Introducing PR Boost by Press Hunt

PR Boost is a powerful tool designed to connect startups with a vast network of journalists and influencers. This AI-driven platform offers expertly crafted pitches, seamless PR campaigns, and efficient, cost-effective solutions to ensure that your story makes headlines.

Efficient PR Campaigns

With PR Boost, you can streamline your PR campaigns and easily connect with journalists and influencers who are interested in your startup. The AI-driven matching system ensures that you are paired with the right people, making your outreach efforts more efficient and effective.

Cost-Effective Solutions

PR Boost offers cost-effective solutions for startups that need to maximize their PR budgets. With expertly crafted pitches and seamless PR campaigns, you can get the exposure you need without breaking the bank.

Powerful PR at Your Fingertips

PR Boost puts the power of PR in your hands, giving you the tools you need to connect with journalists and influencers and get your story in the news. Whether you’re launching a new product, raising funding, or making a major announcement, PR Boost can help you get the coverage you need to succeed.


PR Boost by Press Hunt Pricing

PR Boost by Press Hunt Plan

Connects startups with journalists/influencers for impactful, AI-enhanced PR exposure.

Life time Free for all over the world



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