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Petal – Petal is an AI tool that provides a centralized location for all your digital documents and knowledge. It uses AI to produce fully sourced and reliable answers based on your own knowledge bases. With Petal, you can train AI on your own documents to obtain accurate, trustworthy answers instantly.


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Petal: The AI Tool for Centralized Digital Document Management

Petal is an innovative AI tool that revolutionizes the way you manage your digital documents and knowledge. It offers a centralized location for all your documents, enabling you to access and share them easily, anytime and anywhere.

Advanced Generative AI for Accurate and Reliable Answers

Petal uses advanced generative AI to provide fully sourced and reliable answers based on your own knowledge bases. With Petal, you can train chatbots on your own documents to obtain accurate, trustworthy answers instantly. Its intuitive and powerful document chat tool allows you to maintain a single source of truth for all your important documents, complete with automatic metadata extraction, file deduplication, and dedicated technical & scientific document support.

Effortless Collaboration and Annotation

With Petal, you can collaborate on your documents effortlessly. You can annotate and share comments, highlight key points, and enhance your understanding and collaboration. It provides a range of use cases for academia, corporate R&D, business resources, and more.

Powerful Search Capabilities for Enhanced Productivity

Petal simplifies your workflow and enhances your productivity with its powerful search capabilities and recent AI additions. You can easily search for documents, extract relevant information, and obtain accurate answers in real-time.

Whether you’re a student, researcher, scientist, or business professional, Petal can help you manage your digital documents and knowledge more efficiently and effectively. Try it today and experience the difference!


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Petal – Petal is an AI tool that provides a centralized location for all your digital documents and knowledge. It uses AI to produce fully sourced and reliable answers based on your own knowledge bases. With Petal, you can train AI on your own documents to obtain accurate, trustworthy answers instantly.


Life time Free for all over the world



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