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Onri – OnrAI AI: An organizational expert locator, swiftly finds specialists within your company. Enhances search results with associated GitHub commits and Jira ticket data for improved domain expertise identification.


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Onri AI: The People Search Tool for Finding Experts Quickly

Onri AI is an AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of finding experts within your organization. It eliminates the need for long email threads or asking around for help. Instead, you can just ask a question like “Who knows xyz?” and Onri AI will provide you with a list of domain experts enriched with relevant code commits and tickets from platforms like GitHub and Jira.

This tool continuously learns and updates its knowledge, ensuring that the search results are always fresh and accurate. It helps you save time and effort while unlocking your team’s speed. Setting up Onri AI takes less than 3 minutes, so you can start using it right away.

Real-Life Use Case

Imagine you’re working on a project that requires expertise in a specific area. Instead of manually searching for someone within your organization who has that knowledge, you can use Onri AI to quickly find the right person. This saves you time and helps you to get your work done more efficiently. Onri AI is especially helpful for large organizations where it can be difficult to know who has specific expertise.


Onri Pricing

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Onri – OnrAI AI: An organizational expert locator, swiftly finds specialists within your company. Enhances search results with associated GitHub commits and Jira ticket data for improved domain expertise identification.


Life time Free for all over the world



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