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Moments – Personal relationship management app simplifying social circle organization and prioritization


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Moments: Simplify Your Social Life with Personal Relationship Management

Moments is a personal relationship management app designed to help users strengthen their connections with others. It streamlines the process of managing social circles by organizing, prioritizing, and enhancing relationships.

Effortlessly Manage Your Social Life

The app reduces cognitive load by handling social to-dos, previewing upcoming events, and reminding users of planned activities. Users can categorize contacts into different groups based on importance, ensuring that everyone receives the attention they deserve.

Never Miss a Moment

With Moments, users can create events, set reminders, and even receive assistance in purchasing gifts or sending messages. The app’s social feed aggregates updates from various platforms, focusing on people that matter the most. Additionally, Moments provides learning resources through articles and courses to improve networking skills for both friendships and professional interactions.

Personalized Communication with AI Composer

The AI composer feature personalizes messages and emails based on unique relationships and specific interests of contacts. This feature helps users to stay connected with their friends and family in a more meaningful way.

Available on iOS Devices

Moments is available for iOS devices and offers features like event creation, reminder settings, and social feed aggregation. With Moments, users can simplify their social lives and deepen their connections with others.

Real-World Use Case

Moments is especially helpful for those who have busy lives or struggle to keep in touch with friends and family. It can also be useful for professionals who want to improve their networking skills or stay on top of important events in their industry. With Moments, users can prioritize their relationships and stay connected with the people who matter most.


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Moments – Personal relationship management app simplifying social circle organization and prioritization


Life time Free for all over the world



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