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Groq – Groq sets the standard for GenAI inference speed, leveraging LPU technology for real-time AI applications. LPUs, or Language Processing Units, overcome compute density and memory bandwidth bottlenecks, enabling faster AI language processing.


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Groq: Setting the Standard for GenAI Inference Speed

Groq is a company with a mission to bring real-time AI applications to life through their cutting-edge technology. They utilize a system known as the LPU Inference Engine, which is a revolutionary end-to-end processing unit designed to provide the fastest inference for computationally intensive applications that have a sequential component, such as AI language applications (LLMs).The LPU Inference Engine overcomes the two bottlenecks that limit the performance of LLMs: compute density and memory bandwidth. With greater compute capacity than traditional GPUs and CPUs, the LPU reduces the time it takes to calculate each word, allowing for faster generation of sequences of text.Furthermore, the LPU Inference Engine eliminates external memory bottlenecks, which enables it to deliver significantly better performance on LLMs compared to GPUs. If you’re interested in using Groq, you can request API access to run LLM applications in a token-based pricing model. You can also purchase the hardware for on-premise LLM inference using LPUs.In real-world use cases, Groq’s technology can be applied in industries such as finance, healthcare, and customer service. For example, in finance, Groq’s technology can help detect fraud in real-time, allowing for immediate action to be taken. In healthcare, it can aid in the diagnosis of diseases by analyzing large amounts of medical data. In customer service, it can help improve chatbot responses by generating more accurate and contextually relevant responses.


Groq Pricing

Groq Plan

Groq – Groq sets the standard for GenAI inference speed, leveraging LPU technology for real-time AI applications. LPUs, or Language Processing Units, overcome compute density and memory bandwidth bottlenecks, enabling faster AI language processing.

$Usage Based

Life time Free for all over the world



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