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Forward – Forward is an AI-powered job matching platform focused on STEM roles in the US. It offers tailored job suggestions based on user resumes, a diverse job selection, easy tracking, and upcoming features like resume storage and search filtering AI.


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Forward: Revolutionizing Job Hunting with AI

Forward is an innovative platform that employs AI to match job seekers with their ideal career opportunities. With a focus on STEM positions in the United States, Forward’s personal AI job hunter streamlines the job search process for users.

By simply uploading a resume, users gain access to a secure database of tailored opportunities. Forward’s unbiased job promotion ensures a diverse selection of potential positions. The platform also provides a dedicated dashboard to track job applications and offers daily automatic feed updates.

Forward is currently in beta and available for free to employers. In addition to its existing features, resume storage and an AI chatbot for search filtering are coming soon.

Users have praised Forward for its efficiency in job hunting, as it saves them time and effort. With Forward, the job search process has never been easier.

The Benefits of Using Forward’s AI Job Hunter

Forward’s AI job hunter offers a multitude of benefits for job seekers. The platform’s advanced matching engine curates the perfect career opportunities based on the user’s resume and preferences. This ensures that users are presented with only the most relevant job opportunities.

Forward’s unbiased job promotion also guarantees a diverse selection of potential positions, regardless of the user’s background or experience. This makes it an ideal platform for job seekers who face discrimination or bias in their job search.

Forward’s dedicated dashboard enables users to track their job applications and receive daily automatic feed updates. This ensures that users never miss out on a potential opportunity.

With features like resume storage and an AI chatbot for search filtering coming soon, Forward is set to become the go-to platform for job seekers looking to streamline their job search process.


Forward Pricing

Forward Plan

Forward – Forward is an AI-powered job matching platform focused on STEM roles in the US. It offers tailored job suggestions based on user resumes, a diverse job selection, easy tracking, and upcoming features like resume storage and search filtering AI.


Life time Free for all over the world



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