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Everbility – Everbility is an AI-powered documentation assistant designed for occupational therapists that streamlines the documentation process and focuses on client care, while ensuring the security of sensitive information.


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Everbility: An AI-Powered Assistant for Occupational Therapists

Everbility is a documentation tool designed specifically for occupational therapists, powered by AI technology. It simplifies the documentation process, allowing therapists to quickly generate report sections and synthesize client notes more efficiently. By saving time on documentation, therapists can focus more on their clients’ needs.

Secure and Confidential

Everbility ensures the confidentiality of sensitive information by encrypting all notes and templates uploaded to the platform, both in transit and at rest. Client notes and templates are also stored exclusively in Australia, with plans for expansion in other regions.

AI-Assisted Writing and Knowledge Base

Everbility provides an AI-assisted writer and assistant to enhance documentation efficiency. Additionally, users can access a vast knowledge base embedded in Everbility to find the latest research and information relevant to their practice. The tool also helps therapists by summarizing and synthesizing client notes, enabling quick and structured responses to queries.

Professional Templates and Saved Questions

Everbility offers pre-defined report templates to easily generate professional reports, saving time and effort. Therapists can also save frequently asked questions and access them in conversations with the assistant, eliminating the need to start from scratch each time.

Everbility is an indispensable tool for occupational therapists, providing a user-friendly and efficient documentation process. It allows therapists to focus on providing quality care to their clients while streamlining their documentation tasks.


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Everbility – Everbility is an AI-powered documentation assistant designed for occupational therapists that streamlines the documentation process and focuses on client care, while ensuring the security of sensitive information.


Life time Free for all over the world



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