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DataLang – Datalang is a natural language query tool that uses GPT-3 to generate answers and ensures data security through encryption.


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Introducing Datalang: Simplifying Database Queries with Natural Language

Datalang is an innovative tool designed to make querying databases easier and more user-friendly. With Datalang, you can ask questions in natural language, just like you would to a person, and get the answers you need quickly and accurately. The tool uses GPT-3 to generate natural language answers to your queries, making it simple and easy to use.

How to Get Started with Datalang

Getting started with Datalang is easy. All you need to do is set up a data source and configure the connection string. Once you have done that, you can start asking questions such as “how many users?” or “what is the MRR?” and Datalang will generate a natural language answer for you.

Datalang is designed to be user-friendly and doesn’t require extensive technical knowledge to use. It also ensures the security of your data by encrypting the connection string and credentials, and only decrypting them when necessary for data operations. Datalang also provides an API for managing data sources and asking questions.

Features and Benefits of Datalang

Datalang can handle a wide range of questions, similar to those you would ask a data analyst. It can provide insights on metrics such as the number of users during a specific time frame or common values in a certain field. Datalang also integrates seamlessly with other tools through its API, making it a valuable addition to any data analysis toolkit.

Overall, Datalang is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of querying databases using natural language. It is user-friendly, secure, and provides valuable insights and information to users. Try Datalang today and experience the benefits for yourself!


DataLang Pricing

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DataLang – Datalang is a natural language query tool that uses GPT-3 to generate answers and ensures data security through encryption.


Life time Free for all over the world



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