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AskMore – AskMore is an AI-powered user research tool that makes it easier to conduct user interviews and feedback, allowing for efficient and unbiased virtual interviews to gather valuable insights from users. It supports multiple languages and eliminates scheduling hassles, resulting in better response rates and quality feedback.


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Title: AskMore: An Efficient and Unbiased AI-Powered User Research Tool


AskMore is an innovative AI-powered user research tool that simplifies the process of gathering customer or user feedback. It combines traditional interview methods with modern technology, enabling users to easily set goals, send participation links, and review reports. This tool automates report generation, eliminating time-consuming tasks such as transcribing interviews or hunting for insights.

Efficient User Feedback

AskMore overcomes the limitations of conventional user feedback methods by providing a platform that conducts virtual interviews and surveys. With AskMore, you can talk to up to five users per week and gather insights from 500 complementary face-to-face interviews without the need for physical meetings. The AI technology ensures that participants answer questions in a way that suits them, resulting in better response rates.

Eliminating Hassle and Bias

AskMore eliminates the stress of scheduling calls, making everyone involved happy. The tool uses research best practices to ensure you receive quality insights and avoid bias or asking the wrong questions. Additionally, AskMore supports multiple languages, allowing for diverse feedback regardless of the user’s native tongue. Interviews are automatically translated, providing a more inclusive environment for gathering valuable information.

Getting Started with AskMore

Getting started with AskMore is simple. It is a free tool, and you can watch a demo to learn more about its features. With privacy, terms, and conditions in place, this AI-powered tool offers an efficient and unbiased way to conduct user research and gather feedback for your product or service.

Real Use Case

AskMore’s AI technology is a valuable asset to any business or organization that wants to improve its products or services. With its ease of use, automated report generation, and unbiased approach, AskMore helps companies save time and money while gathering valuable insights from customers or users. By using AskMore, businesses can make data-driven decisions that improve their offerings and increase customer satisfaction.


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AskMore Plan

AskMore – AskMore is an AI-powered user research tool that makes it easier to conduct user interviews and feedback, allowing for efficient and unbiased virtual interviews to gather valuable insights from users. It supports multiple languages and eliminates scheduling hassles, resulting in better response rates and quality feedback.


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