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Lunally – Lunally, a Chrome extension, acts as a ChatGPT-enabled communication hub in your browser tab. It offers instant answers, article summarization, and related ideas for enhanced browsing experience.


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Enhance Your Browsing Experience with Lunally

Lunally is a revolutionary Chrome extension that transforms your browser tab into a ChatGPT-enabled communication hub, taking your browsing experience to the next level. With Lunally, you can ask questions about the web page you’re viewing and receive instant answers, summaries of articles, and generate related ideas and concepts.

Efficient and Affordable

Lunally offers Essential and Advanced plans that come with daily credits for web page summarization and chat interactions. You can choose to bill yearly or monthly, depending on your preferences. The tool is efficient and affordable, offering quick and accurate information directly within your browser tab, saving you time and effort.

Real-life Use Case

For instance, imagine you are a student working on an assignment. You come across a complex article, and you need to summarize it quickly. Instead of spending hours reading and summarizing the article, you can use Lunally to generate a summary instantly and save time. Lunally also helps you generate related ideas and concepts, making your research more effective.

In conclusion, Lunally is an excellent tool for anyone looking to enhance their browsing experience, whether for work or leisure. Try it today and experience the difference!


Lunally Pricing

Lunally Plan

Lunally – Lunally, a Chrome extension, acts as a ChatGPT-enabled communication hub in your browser tab. It offers instant answers, article summarization, and related ideas for enhanced browsing experience.

$Free trial

Life time Free for all over the world



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