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Tisane API


Advanced multilingual content moderation API for detecting online abuse.


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Social Media:

Tisane API: Advanced NLP Technology for Content Moderation

Unlock the power of content moderation with Tisane API’s advanced NLP technology, available in almost 30 languages. Our API detects abusive behaviors, including hate speech and cyberbullying, in user-generated content. With Tisane API, you can expect structured insights with ease of use, compliance, and unmatched language support.

How Tisane API Helps Users in Real Use Cases

Tisane API can be integrated into various platforms, such as social media, online forums, and chat applications, to automatically identify and moderate abusive content. This ensures that users can enjoy a safer and more positive online environment. Additionally, businesses can use Tisane API to protect their brand reputation by quickly identifying and addressing any negative or harmful content related to their products or services.


Tisane API Pricing

Tisane API Plan

Advanced multilingual content moderation API for detecting online abuse.

Life time Free for all over the world



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