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Lightly – Lightly is a browser-based cloud IDE powered by AI that supports 10+ programming languages, databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redis, offers deployment capabilities, and facilitates collaboration among teams.


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Lightly: Enhancing the Coding Experience with AI-Powered Cloud IDE

Lightly is a revolutionary cloud IDE that utilizes AI technology to provide developers with a seamless coding experience. With its browser-based environment, developers can easily develop, build, and deploy their projects without the need for environment setup. This allows developers to code anytime, anywhere, even on an iPad, and supports over 10 programming languages, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redis.

Lightly also offers deployment capabilities, eliminating the need for users to manage infrastructures. Its efficient project images help deploy on AWS, Azure, GCP, or any other cloud provider. Collaboration is made easy with Lightly, allowing teams to create, share, and collaborate on code in real-time. It even offers features like pairing programming and debugging sessions with teammates.

Lightly is an excellent tool for developers, combining the power of a cloud IDE with AI capabilities to streamline development processes and facilitate collaboration among developers. With Lightly, developers can enjoy an enhanced coding experience, allowing them to focus on what matters most: building great applications.


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Lightly – Lightly is a browser-based cloud IDE powered by AI that supports 10+ programming languages, databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redis, offers deployment capabilities, and facilitates collaboration among teams.


Life time Free for all over the world



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