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Design Sparks


Design Sparks – Design Sparks is an AI tool that generates spark ideas for design-related problems using established creative problem solving techniques and interactive creativity prompts.


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Introducing Design Sparks: An AI Tool for Creative Problem Solving

Design Sparks is an innovative AI tool that helps users come up with creative solutions to design-related problems. This tool uses established creative problem solving techniques in its AI algorithms to generate spark ideas. Users can input their design problem, paste relevant links or upload relevant PDFs to get a huge number of ideas.

How Design Sparks Works

Design Sparks allows users to navigate through extracted topics and choose creativity methods to adjust the rarity and number of ideas generated. Unlike chatbots, this tool uses interactive creativity prompts, curated knowledge, and insights components built-in tools. It was created by the National Centre for Creativity enabled AI (CeBAI) using machine learning and other new AI technologies.

Real Use Cases for Design Sparks

Design Sparks is primarily used for idea generation by UX/UI designers, stakeholders, and product designers. However, it can be adapted to suit design-related problems in other industries. With Design Sparks, users can save time and effort in generating creative ideas, making it a valuable tool for any design-related project.


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Design Sparks – Design Sparks is an AI tool that generates spark ideas for design-related problems using established creative problem solving techniques and interactive creativity prompts.


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